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By : Miniso 14




Don#39t worry, there has to be a way;Don#39t worry!Don#39t be worried;所以你不用担心 So you don#39t have to worry 麻烦采纳,谢谢。

如果quot我quot是同学则Don#39t worry,I‘ll arrange my classmates to pick you up at the airport如果quot我quot是老师则Don#39t worry,I will arrange some students to go to the airport to meet youpick you up at;翻译如下 我很好,不用担心I#39m fine, don#39t worry!或者I #39m OK!Don#39t worry!重点词汇 我很好I#39m all right I#39m very well I#39m fine 不用担心never mind。

you know i love you so,don#39t worry no matter how far apart i will never change my heart翻译完后发现居然最后两句还押韵的呢;和Jasmine一起,每天积累一个英语小知识,终有一天会水滴石穿我是 Jasmine 今天是我坚持日更的 第48100 天 用生命影响生命 我愿意和你一起遇见 更优秀的自己;不要担心的英文 1don#39t worry 2don#39t you worry don#39t worry造句 1 Don#39t worry We#39ll have you out of here doublequick别担心,我们会很快把你从这儿弄出去的2 Don#39t worry, your luggage;一don#39t worry 读音英 d#601unt #712w#652ri 美 dont #712w#602ri请放心 例句1#39Don#39t worry about me,#39 I said #39I#39ll be okay#39“别担心我,”我说,“我不会有事的。

don#39t be upset about it , it caused no harm;i#39m fine ,don#39t worry about me 我爱看美剧,美剧英文字幕来的,绝对口语化若满意,望采纳。

最简单的就是I am fine,don#39t worry希望能帮到你。
