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By : 萌宠大人 16



1. 网易严选狗粮

网易严选狗粮注重产品质量和口碑口感,其狗粮主要采用天然、无谷物、无防腐剂、无添加剂等优质原料制成,质量可靠。此外,该品牌还特别注重口感和营养配方的平衡,根据不同品种的宠物和年龄阶段提供相应的营养组合。这款狗粮五谷低碳水维持健康体型,减少消化负担,稳健补充能量呵护骨骼与关节,贴合中大型犬发育速度。网易严选 dog food is known for using high-quality ingredients such as natural, grain-free, preservative-free, and additive-free materials, ensuring the safety and health of pets. The brand offers a variety of nutritional combinations tailored to different breeds and age groups, making it an excellent choice for pet owners who prioritize their pets' well-being.

2. 麦富迪狗粮

麦富迪狗粮以营养价值为依据,产品以犬猫的生理与生长所需量身定制,富含多种营养成分,确保每一款产品符合犬猫对于营养的需求。该品牌还专门为不同年龄和活动水平的宠物提供相应的狗粮,以最大程度地满足和支持他们的营养和健康需求。Maxi-Dog dog food is developed based on nutritional values and customized to meet the physiological and growth needs of cats and dogs. The brand pays close attention to the ingredients used, ensuring they are of high quality and suitable for pets' nutritional requirements.

3. 法国皇家宠物食品有限公司

皇家宠物食品有限公司成立于1967年法国,是全球宠物食品行业的知名企业。该品牌秉承营宠物乐享健康品质生活的理念,致力于为居家小型猫犬定制精准营养方案,可根据宠物的品种、年龄、生活方式以及病症,精心定制了200多种营养配方,满足多种要求。Royal Canin is a globally renowned brand that has been in the market since 1967. They offer personalized nutrition plans for cats and dogs based on factors such as breed, age, lifestyle, and health conditions, making them a popular choice among pet owners who value their pets' health.


该集团旗下的爱肯拿品牌专注于制造、销售营养膳食产品的大型现代化公司。公司拥有高标准的先进工厂,严选优良食材、科学配方、均衡营养,有助于宠物毛发亮泽、柔顺,提供爱宠日常所需能量。ACANA is part of the Canadian CHAMPIONPETFOODS group and is known for its focus on producing high-quality, nutritious pet foods. The brand uses superior ingredients, advanced manufacturing processes, and balanced nutritional formulas to promote healthy coat and overall well-being in pets.

